Confused by the words “even they don’t know about”? Don’t be….
People who are in depression don’t really know they are in depression. There are many feelings going in their mind and heart but they don’t share them with anyone.
How The Person Goes InTo Depression?
The first and foremost thing is the person is hurt and they are not trusting anyone. It only happens if someone has broken their trust. The person who broke the trust might be the family or due to a relationship or friendship.
Once it’s broken, then the person keeps on thinking about it and does not open it to anyone. Each and every second the person thinks of the situation through which they have gone and from inside they keep on killing themselves.
Not Every Smile Is Real
This is the truth. When a person is sad and does not wish to explain anything to anyone, the only thing that comes is a “SMILE”. That smile hides their pain from others but is hurting them from inside. They just wish when that other person will go and leave them alone. For the person in depression, LONELINESS is something they want.
This loneliness makes them more into depression. They have tried every way to convey their message, feeling, words, or anything that is in their heart. But there was no one who could stand with them and help them in the situation where they needed it the most.
But, now they are in depression and no one knows about it not even the person.
It is the New Normal Life For Them
The depressed person does not take depression seriously because now they have covered themselves with loneliness and it is their new normal. They have adapted to such a type of living and it is what they want to live in.
They just simply smile in front of others and they are just physically available where they are but mentally they are somewhere else. A place where only they are living the way they want to live i.e. alone, depressed, sad, and every negative energy.
For them, it’s okay to live in such a way but frankly speaking, it is not okay because it is the worst phase they are going through. During this time they require someone who can understand them in the very situation without judging them.
Not So Ending Note
The word “Depression” is very easy to say but ask the people who are going through this. Only humans can help humans. So show some kindness and start interacting with people without judging them.
We all have become very judgemental and this is causing depression and the number of depression cases is increasing with time. A disease can be cured but when a person is mentally ill, it takes a lot for them to come over it.
Be a human being and help people by understanding them instead of discouraging them. Helping one person might not change the world, but it might change the world for one person.